luni, 4 iunie 2012

customs and traditions - costumi e tradizioni - zwyczaje i tradycje - tradiții și obiceiuri

Traditions and folklore

    We invite you to discover the beauty of Romanian traditions that keep the calendar holidays or important moments in the life of common people Solonţ.
    Winter is sober, full of privations and dangerous but the holidays this season, the most spectacular Roman tradition, anticipates moments like that everything will return to life. And in common Solonţ these celebrations are accompanied by traditions and customs are our people.
    beginning of winter is marked by the celebration of Saint Andrew. Like all Romanians, and Solonţenii celebrate their patron saint, the Saint Landreau, on November 30.
    night on the eve of Saint Andrew is dedicated habits can antecrestine, to ensure protection of humans, animals and farms. Romanian farmers put them under the guidance of the holy, just because they have guaranteed the authority and power. Eve of Saint Andrew is considered one of those times when the barrier between seen and unseen rise. Most favorable moment to get prospecting character information for the coming year. Also, "Andreiu 'winter head" as he called Bucovina, evil plans allow interference with the beneficial, important things in human existence can be turned from their natural jelly. It is believed that this night "walking ghosts" steal "cow hand", "minds" and "fruit orchard".
    against these dangers, the farmer uses as key apotropaic (protective), garlic. Equally, house, stables, cages, doors and their windows are smeared with garlic meant to ward off evil spirits entering in humans and animals.
    December comes then the celebration, as expected for children of St. Nicolae.In evening Eve, the parents put in the shoes of children, that they and a carefully prepare many sweets and sometimes there are some houses jucarii.In habit of playing with many gifts and one that should nuielusa them cuminteasca , even in principle, children who did not wear well during the year. How many of us have been waiting anxiously for the morning of December 6 to look if Santa "left something in boots ready for the evening? St. Nicholas day people go to church to honor those who wear or use this name.
    celebration of December 20, dedicated to St. Ignatius of Antioch, is popularly known as the Ignatius pigs. It is thought that pigs Ignat dreams that night will be cut. From now on no more fat, do not put meat on them and not eat, because he dreamed of cutting. The only activity allowed on this day is cutting pork
    in pork cutting one should not lie nearby, those who are compassionate by nature, because it is believed that the pig dies with difficulty, and also the flesh of a pig will not be good. The pig that should not raise your teeth, not out loud and boil pork weight.
    There Solonţ and custom cut pork to be sat. Ion Creanga says in "Memories of Childhood": "At Christmas, when my father cut the pig, and it singed and scalded him, and it invalidity peppered with straw, it inadusii, so that they can laugh more beautiful, I sat on top of the straw pig and did a party for thousands of dollars ". households believe they can know if their future wives are born girls or boys, as shown a piece of meat placed in lard. If the pig heart will find more blood clot, it was a sign that the owner will be lucky for many bani.Splina pig that reveals during the winter: if the spleen is thick in the end, it means that we have a harsh winter, snowy, but if thin looks like snow will be low in winter and new year will be plentiful.
    In villages there is a whole dowry Solonţ inherited from ancestors creations popular at the holidays, when they sing from house to house, carols and all kinds of speeches. Some rampant they are like all areas of Tazlaului, or Moldova, but there are unelespecifice villages and places here.
    These songs are manifested in Christmas carols and New Year songs star sorcova and in walking plow or the goat.
    In New Year's Eve, the whole village is in and holiday homes are lit, waiting haters.
From one end to the other village to hear speeches, crack of whips, whistles, songs and beats from drums shaking the sky cry "Driven May Come lads ........!!"
    lyrical content is very specific to bad agricultural life, with the oxen that pulled the plow plowed and sown, about production field, about history and race ancestors, Trajan and Decebal. wishers group are both young and elderly group, and hate walking from house to house until dawn.
    Also during new year celebrations are young which organizes and walk with "goat"
    is made ​​of wooden image of a goat with wooden nose and head in a paper bag decorated in different colors, cut in the form of fringe and that plays a young man came into this bag adorned. staff accompanying goat is comprised of a groom, a bride, dressed in uniform young officers, especially young horses play dress. The young masked as: badanari, babe, old men, Jews.
    organization and goat game is the time ( separately in each village commune) to be made ​​outfit for this game.
    first goat dance takes place at the village hall, where fog comes with pomp. village officials are ugly then starts the homes of householders. Notice Salt is the goat (named after the village of origin), which is believed to date back to the days of Stephen the Great. A recording of this was made ​​by Professor John H Ciubotaru head of the ethnology and folklore of University "Al.I. Cuza " Iasi goat dance around 1975.In the Salt is found essential elements of human life: birth, marriage, death.
    On the morning of New Year, children go from house to house "sorcova."
    In celebration New Year in these villages, the creation off a lot of popular costumes in the game goat reflecting a strong original art of these people and wonderful places.
    Epiphany (January 6) and St. John (January 7) form a nearly and the same holiday. In the run feast of Theophany, parish priest of the village go to the homes of believers to proclaim the baptism of Jesus Christ and to bless believers' homes sprinkled with holy water.
    Also on the eve of Epiphany, people sculpt a cross ice that sits in the churchyard to be consecrated with water from large vessels that will make believers.
    After Epiphany, 9 days no laundry, because it is considered to be a sin to be polluted water was holy.
    Night of Saint John is the last night of the year where people still wear masks. They go to the homes of those bearing the name of hatred.
    Day of March 1, Martisor, is seen coming spring festival.
    Martisor is a kind of talisman meant to bring luck, offered with good wishes, health, love and joy and is celebrated in Roman times, when celebrating the god Mars, the god of forces of nature, of spring and agriculture.
    Martisor consists of a red thread and one white. color red on fire, blood and sun, is attributed to life, so women. In contrast, white water conferred by the clarity, wisdom is typical clouds of white men. girls wearing it for twelve days in chest After that, the cord connecting a branch of the tree.
    last week of Lent , Holy Week, or Holy Week is included in Easter, although in this period post continues even greater intensity. elders tend to eat less in the evening Sunday Palm, then do not eat up on Holy Thursday, when, usually, is sharing, fasting is continued then until Easter. youngest in this week eating only bread and dried fruit rather than drink spring water.
    May especially in the past, the Holy Week traditions were characteristic of these (pagan and Christian):
  • peace keeping, general sadness
  • beautiful worship services, more frequent than usual
  • ritual fires
  • strict observance of fasting
  • prohibition of important household papers
  • care homes
  • cleaning the yard
  • temporary interruption of the main works in the field
  • making new clothes for the holiday
  • cutting cattle and poultry for the holidays
  • bargaining for musicians to dance village
  • sharing the church, mutual forgiveness between people
Some of the most profound, beautiful and uplifting Christian services are Denise. They are held in the Easter Lent. Denise world are more frequent in Holy Week, which attracts a lot of believers. By the beginning of Denial, in the fifth week of Lent, Easter, villages should be cleaned and renew, from homes and yards. Everyone foieste, vent and shake. But most children are happy. After whitewashing trees in orchards and gardens, dressed in holiday clothes and go to church. Denial and her troubles a magic charm. As mothers, grandmothers and sisters, who enter the church Great Week with head covered by a black kerchief.
    Resurrection takes place at midnight, when people receive from the priest holy light, light will go to the graveyard and then train their homes.
    returned from church, family sits down to table, tasting the eggs and bread first holy. Their hunger pangs after colliding with a tall glass of liquor. Eggs collide after a ritual, elderly person (usually male) head collides head egg mine egg held a commensal, while telling the Risen Christ known formula << >>, the answer is : << Truly Risen! >>. According to popular belief, it is good to remember who you collided first, because, if by chance you lose your way in any forest, you have only to remember who you collided first Easter, and the orchards where you came . Mass on the first day of Easter is an occasion to gather the family, arising after a ritual. Easter on the table can not miss: red eggs, sheep cheese, salad with spring onions and radishes, weld and roast lamb, bread filled with cheese or sour cream and, more recently, with chocolate.
    In the morning the first day of pasta, unlighian put in a red egg and a coin. Pour fresh water (unopened) brought from the fountain. All of the wash house at a time, giving each egg and red in the face and saying: "To be healthy, and my face is red as egg, all I want and I expect as the eggs are expected to Easter eggs to be loved as Easter day. " Then take a coin and passing over the girl says: "To be proud and pure as silver."
    A place of honor in history Solonţ village is occupied by its heroes, people who lost their lives in two world wars . In their memory to support the three priests and community schools are organized celebrations on monuments erected in their honor on the day of Ascension (40 days after the celebration of Easter). In Cucuieti village, after the Ascension serving all people in church headed by the village priest go to the monument dedicated to heroes where you serve, give alms to red eggs and bread, to honor heroes.
    Another source of joy and celebration for villagers is the village festival, held separately in each parish (village Solonţ the first Sunday after the Assumption, in the village of Saint Nicholas Salt \ 8nov. and Cucuieti village on November 8.) Before the village church holidays like dress clothes: men and streets are cleaned households morning feast satului.In world going to church, then home to invite guests from other sate.Un table usually dance reminiscent of the village is The fair, where the world gathers enjoying ice cream cones, cotton candy, music that resounds from everywhere and swing the rotates continuously.
    As in all villages and Solonţ country, people organize all sorts of celebrations and holidays just as they have inherited from their ancestors. Most of these holidays are similar to those in the villages of the Valley Tazlaului, Bistrita and Siret.
    These holidays are made ​​at local or family events: weddings, baptisms, funerals.
    At these events highlight some cultural statements high level of artistry, to point out that some traditions and they have inherited from their ancestors and preserve them as precious values ​​of local folklore. These events are acts of celebration and affirmation of the party of tradition and cultural life acts that take place always between our villagers.
Obiceiuri şi folclor
    Va invitam sa descoperiti frumusetea traditiilor romanesti ce se tin la sarbatorile calendaristice sau la momentele importante din viata oamenilor din comuna Solonţ.
    Iarna este sobra, plina de privatiuni si primejdioasa dar sarbatorile acestui anotimp, cele mai spectaculoase din traditia romanilor, prefigureaza parca clipele in care totul va reveni la viata. Si in comuna Solonţ aceste sarbatori sunt insotite de traditii si obiceiuri respectate cu sfintenie de locuitori.
    Inceputul iernii este marcat de sarbatorirea Sfantului Andrei. Asemeni tuturor romanilor , si Solonţenii isi sarbatoresc patronul spiritual, pe Sfantu lAndrei, la 30 noiembrie.
    Noaptea din ajunul Sf.Andrei este destinata unor obiceiuri, poate antecrestine, care sa asigure protectie oamenilor, animalelor si gospodariilor. Taranii romani le-au pus sub obladuirea acestui sfant, tocmai pentru ca ele trebuie garantate de autoritatea si puterea sa. Ajunul Sf.Andrei este considerat unul dintre acele momente in care bariera dintre vazut si nevazut se ridica. Clipa cea mai prielnica pentru a obtine informatii cu caracter de prospectare pentru anul care vine. De asemenea, "Andreiu' cap de iarna" cum ii spun bucovinenii, permite interferenta planurilor malefice cu cele benefice, lucrurile importante din existenta oamenilor putand fi intoarse de la matca lor fireasca. Se crede ca in aceasta noapte "umbla strigoii" sa fure "mana vacilor", "mintile oamenilor" si "rodul livezilor".
    Impotriva acestor primejdii, taranul foloseste ca principal element apotropaic (de aparare), usturoiul. In egala masura, casa, grajdul, cotetele, usile si ferestrele acestora sunt unse cu usturoi pisat, menit sa alunge patrunderea duhurilor rele la oameni si animale.
    Decembrie vine apoi cu sarbatoarea, atat de asteptata de copii, a Sfantului Nicolae.In seara din ajun, parintii pun in incaltamintea copiilor, pe care acestia si-o pregatesc cu mare grija, multe dulciuri si, uneori , jucarii.In unele case exista si obiceiul de a pune alaturi de cadouri si cate o nuielusa care ar trebui sa-i cuminteasca, macar din principiu, pe copii care nu s-au purtat bine in timpul anului. Cati dintre noi nu au asteptat cu infrigurare dimineata de 6 decembrie pentru a se uita daca Mosu' a lasat ceva in ghetele pregatite de cu seara? In ziua Sfantului Nicolae oamenii merg la biserica pentru a-i cinsti pe cei care poarta sau au purtat acest nume.
    Sarbatoarea din 20 decembrie, inchinata Sfantului Ignatie al Antiohiei, este cunoscuta in popor sub denumirea de Ignatul porcilor. Se crede ca in noaptea de Ignat porcii viseaza ca vor fi taiati. De acum incolo nu se mai ingrasa, nu mai pun carne pe ei si nu mai mananca, pentru ca si-au visat taierea. Singura activitate permisa in aceasta zi este taierea porcului
    La taierea porcului nu trebuie sa stea nimeni prin apropiere, dintre cei care sunt milosi din fire, caci se crede ca porcul moare cu mare greutate, iar carnea unui asemenea porc nu va mai fi buna. Cel ce taie porcul, nu trebuie sa stranga din dinti, ca sa nu iasa carnea porcului tare si sa fiarba cu greutate.
    Exista si in Solonţ obiceiul ca porcul taiat sa fie incalecat. Ion Creanga marturiseste in "Amintiri din copilarie”: "La Craciun, cand taia tata porcul, si-l parlia, si-l oparia, si-l invalia iute cu paie, de-l inadusii, ca sa se poata rade mai frumos, eu incalecam pe porc deasupra paielor si faceam un chef de mii de lei".Gospodarii cred ca pot cunoaste daca in viitor nevestele lor vor naste fete ori baieti, dupa cum se arata o bucata de carne asezata in osanza. Daca in inima porcului se va gasi mult sange inchegat, aceasta era semn ca stapanul va avea noroc de multi bani.Splina porcului este cea care descopera durata iernii: daca splina este groasa in capat, e semn ca vom avea o iarna grea, cu multa zapada, insa, daca este subtire, arata ca va fi iarna saraca in omat, iar anul nou nu va fi imbelsugat.
    In satele comunei Solonţ se afla o intreaga zestre mostenita de la strabuni de creatii populare, cu ocazia sarbatorilor  de iarna, cand se canta din casa in casa, tot felul de colinde si uraturi. Unele ditre ele sunt asemanatoare intregii zone a Tazlaului, sau chiar a Moldovei, dar sunt si unelespecifice satelor si locurilor de aici.
    Aceste cantece se manifesta in colinde de Craciun si Anul Nou, cantece de stea, sorcova si in mersul cu plugusorul sau chiar cu capra.
    In noaptea de Anul Nou, tot satul este in sarbatoare si casele sunt luminate, asteptand uratori.
Dintr-un capat la celalalt al satului se aud uraturi, pocnete din bice, cantece din fluiere si batai din tobe de se cutremura vazduhul la strigatul «  Manati mai flacai........Hai !!!!!! »
    Continutul versurilor la urat este tocmai specificul vietii agricole, alaturi de boii care au tras plugul la arat si semanat, despre productia ogorului, legat istoric si de stramosii neamului, de Traian si Decebal. Uratorii sunt atat din grupul tinerilor, cat si din grupul varstnicilor, care umbla si ura din casa in casa pana in zorii zilei.
    Tot cu ocazia sarbatoririi noului an, sunt tineri care organizeaza si umbla cu «  capra «
    Se confectioneaza din lemn chipul unei capre cu botul de lemn si capul dintr-un sac impodobit din hartie in diferite culori , taiata sub forma de franjuri si care o joaca un tanar intrat in acest sac impodobit. Personalul care insoteste capra este format dintr-un mire, o mireasa, tineri imbracati in uniforma de ofiteri, cai jucati de tineri special imbracati. De asemenea tineri mascati ca : badanari, babe , mosnegi, jidani.
    Organizarea si jocul caprei se face din timp(separat in fiecare sat din comuna) pentru a se putea confectiona tinuta pentru acest joc.
    Primul dans al caprei are loc la primaria din comuna , unde ceata soseste impreuna cu alai. Sunt urate oficialitatile comunei dupa care se porneste pe la casele gospodarilor. De remarcat este capra de la Sarata (dupa numele satului din care provine), despre care se crede ca dateaza inca de pe vremea lui Stefan cel Mare. O inregistrare a acesteia a fost facuta de catre domnul profesor Ion H Ciubotaru şeful catedrei de etnologie şi folclor din cadrul Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi in jurul anului 1975.In dansul caprei de la Sarata se regasesc elemente primordiale din viata omului : nasterea , nunta, moartea.
    In dimineata zilei de anul nou, copiii merg de la casa la casa cu « sorcova ».
    In cadrul sarbatoririi anului nou din aceste sate, se desprinde o sumedenie de creatii populare in costume, in jocul caprei care reflecta o puternica arta originala a acestor oameni si locuri minunate.
    Boboteaza (6 Ianuarie) si cu Sf. Ioan (7 Ianuarie) aproape ca formeaza una si aceeasi sarbatoare.  In perioada premergatoare sarbatorii Botezului Domnului, preotii din parohiile comunei merg pe la casele  credinciosilor spre a vesti Botezul Mantuitorului Iisus Hristos si pentru a binecuvanta casele credinciosilor prin stropire cu apa sfintita.
    Tot in ajun de Boboteaza, oamenii sculpteaza o cruce din gheata pe care o aseaza in curtea bisericii spre a fi sfintita ,alaturi de vasele mari cu apa din care vor lua credinciosii.
    Dupa Boboteaza, 9 zile nu se spala rufe, pentru ca se considera a fi un pacat sa fie spurcata apa care a fost sfintita.
    Noaptea de Sfantul Ion este ultima noapte din an in care oamenii mai poarta masti. Acestia merg pe la casele acelor ce poarta acest nume pentru a-i ura.
    Ziua de 1 Martie, Martisorul, este considerata sarbatoarea venirii primaverii.
    Martisorul este un fel de talisman menit sa poarte noroc, oferit impreuna cu urarile de bine, sanatate, dragoste si bucurie si se sarbatoreste din timpul romanilor, cand se sarbatorea ca zeul Marte, zeul fortelor naturii, al primaverii si al agriculturii.
    Martisorul este format dintr-un fir rosu si unul alb. Culoarea rosie, data de foc, sange si soare, este atribuita vietii, deci femeii. In schimb, culoarea alba, conferita de limpezimea apelor, de albul norilor este specifica intelepciunii barbatului.  Fetele il poarta timp de douasprezece zile in piept Dupa aceea, cu snurul leaga o creanga a  pomului.
    Ultima saptamana a postului mare, Saptamana Patimilor, sau Saptamana Mare este inclusa în sarbatoarea Pastelui, desi în aceasta perioada postul continua chiar cu o mai mare intensitate. Batranii obisnuiesc sa manance putin în seara Duminicii Floriilor, dupa care nu mai mananca pana în Joia Mare, cand, de regula, se impartasesc, postul negru fiind continuat apoi pana la Pasti. Cei mai tineri mananca în aceasta saptamana doar paine si fructe uscate si nu beau decat apa de izvor.
    Mai ales în trecut, pentru Saptamana Patimilor erau caracteristice urmatoarele traditii (pagane si crestine) :
  • pastrarea linistii, a tristetii generale
  • servicii divine mai frumoase, mai fecvente ca de obicei
  • focuri rituale
  • respectarea stricta a postului
  • interdictia unor importante lucrari casnice
  • ingrijirea locuintelor
  • curatenia prin curti
  • intreruperea provizorie a lucrarilor principale pe camp
  • confectionarea hainelor noi pentru sarbatoare
  • taierea vitelor si pasarilor pentru sarbatori
  • tocmirea lautarilor pentru hora satului
  • impartasirea la biserica, iertarea reciproca intre oameni
Unele dintre cele mai profunde, frumoase si inaltatoare slujbe crestine sunt Deniile. Ele se tin in Postul Mare al Pastilor. Mai frecventate de lume sunt Deniile din Saptamana Mare, care atrag o multime de credinciosi. Pana la inceperea Deniilor, in saptamana a cincea din Postul Pastilor, satele trebuie curatate si primenite, incepand cu casele si ograzile. Toata lumea foieste, aeriseste si scutura. Dar cei mai bucurosi sunt copiii. Dupa ce varuiesc pomii din livezi si gradini, se imbraca in haine de sarbatoare si se duc la biserica. Magia Deniilor ii tulbura si ii farmeca. La fel ca pe mamele, bunicile si surorile lor, care in Saptamana cea Mare intra in biserica cu capul acoperit de-o naframa neagra.
    Slujba de Inviere are loc la miezul noptii, cand oamenii primesc lumina sfanta de la preot , lumina cu care vor merge apoi cu alai spre cimitir si spre casele lor.
    Intorsi de la biserica, membrii familiei se asaza la masa, gustand mai intai din ouale si pasca sfintite. Dupa ce isi potolesc foamea ciocnesc cate un pahar de bautura. Ouale se ciocnesc dupa un anumit ritual: persoana mai in virsta (de obicei barbatul) ciocneste capul oului de capul oului tinut in mina de un comesean, in timp ce rosteste cunoscuta formula <<Hristos a Inviat!>>, la care se raspunde cu: <<Adevarat a Inviat !>>. Dupa credinta populara, e bine de tinut minte cu cine ai ciocnit intai pentru ca, daca din intamplare te ratacesti in vreo padure, n-ai decit sa-ti amintesti cu cine ai ciocnit intai de Pasti, si imediat gasesti drumul pe unde ai venit. Masa din prima zi de Pasti este un prilej de reunire a familiei, decurgand dupa un adevarat ritual. De pe masa de Pasti nu pot lipsi: ouale rosii, casul de oaie, salata cu ceapa verde si ridichi, drobul si friptura de miel, pasca umpluta cu brinza sau smantana si, mai nou, cu ciocolata.
    In dimineata primei zile de paste, se pune intr-unlighian un ou rosu si o moneda. Se toarna apa proaspata (neinceputa) adusa de la fantana. Toti ai casei se spala pe rand, dandu-si fiecare cu oul rosu peste obraz si zicand : « Sa fiu sanatos, si obrazul sa-mi fie rosu ca oul ; toti sa ma doreasca si sa ma astepte asa cum sunt asteptate ouale rosii de Pasti ; sa fiu iubit ca ouale in zilele Pastilor ». Dupa aceea se ia moneda si trecand-o peste fata se zice : « Sa fiu mandru si curat ca argintul ».
    Un loc de cinste in istoria comunei Solonţ este ocupat de eroii acesteia, oameni ce si-au pierdut viata in cele doua razboaie mondiale.In memoria acestora cu sprijinul celor trei preoti si al scolilor din comuna, sunt organizate serbari la monumentele ridicate in cinstea lor in ziua de Inaltare (la 40 de zile dupa sarbatorirea Pastelui).In satul Cucuieti , dupa slujba de    Inaltare toti oamenii din biserica in frunte cu preotul satului merg la monumentul inchinat eroilor unde se tine slujba , se dau de pomana oua rosii si pasca , spre cinstirea eroilor.
    Un alt prilej de bucurie si sarbatoare pentru sateni il reprezinta hramul satului, tinut separat in fiecare parohie (in satul Solonţ in prima duminica dupa Adormirea Maicii Domnului, in satul Sarata de sfantul Nicolae\8nov. , iar in satul Cucuieti pe 8 nov.) Inainte de hram satul parca imbraca straie de sarbatoare : sunt curatate gospodariile oamenilor si ulitile satului.In dimineata hramului lumea merge la biserica, dupa care invita acasa la masa oaspeti din alte sate.Un obicei ce aminteste de hora satului este balciul , unde se aduna lume bucurandu-se de inghetata la cornet, vata de zahar, muzica ce rasuna de peste tot si scranciobul ce se roteste necontenit.
    Ca in toate satele patriei si in Solonţ, locuitorii organizeaza tot felul de serbari si sarbatori asa cum si ei le-au mostenit de la strabunii lor. Majoritatea acestor sarbatori sunt asemanatoare cu cele din satele de pe Valea Tazlaului, a Bistritei si a Siretului.
    Aceste sarbatori se fac cu ocazia evenimentelor locale sau de familie : nunta, botez, inmormantare.
    Cu ocazia acestor evenimente se scot in evidenta unele afirmatii culturale de inalta tinuta artistica, se scot in evidenta unele traditii pe care si ei le-au mostenit de la strabuni si pe care le pastreaza ca pe niste scumpe valori ale folclorului local. Aceste evenimente sunt acte de sarbatoare, de petrecere si de afirmare a unor traditii si acte de viata culturala ce se desfasoare mereu intre locuitorii satelor noastre.

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